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Camp Director Cassie Leichty and Board Chairman Mat Terry bring leadership, their fun-loving personalities and generous natures to their Camp Kekoka roles.
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Situated on Indian Creek with a view of Chesapeake Bay, the waterfront location guarantees campers myriad water activities, including knee boarding, kayaking, water skiing, windsurfing, fishing, crabbing, and even seining – using large, vertically dropped nets to fish – from the camp’s dock.
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The Cherokee cabin was dedicated earlier this year to Walter “Cap” Neilson, III of Williamsburg who passed away January 8. Cap was a strong supporter of the YMCA, serving on the Metropolitan YMCA board and the Camp Kekoka board.
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Campers are grouped by sex and age. They are lodged in groups of ten in one of eight colorfully painted cabins named after Native American tribes such as Cherokee and Shawnee. There are two in-house counselors.
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In 2005 the Alexandria Police formed a new partnership with the Peninsula Metropolitan YMCA and the name was changed to YMCA/APYC Camp Kekoka.
For parents who think going to camp still means making lanyards and pot holders, it’s time for a reality check. S’mores and campfires may still be on the agenda, but so are windsurfing, gaga ball, and karaoke.
Welcome to Camp Kekoka, circa 2016. The Kilmarnock camp began life as the Alexandria Police Youth Camp, a wholesome place for Alexandria children to beat the heat and boredom of summertime in the city. The current ninety-seven-acre site was purchased in 1946 with a mortgage of $10,500 backed by Ashby Redmon, president of—how’s this for a throwback?—the Old Mutual Ice Company. It was, initially, run as a boys’ camp before transitioning to a boys’ and girls’ camp.
In 2005 the Alexandria Police formed a new partnership with the Peninsula Metropolitan YMCA and the name was changed to YMCA/APYC Camp Kekoka, the word taken from the Native American phrase for “the center where all good things happen.”
Camp director Cassie Leichty feels that spirit. “They still own the property, but the YMCA is the one with 150 plus years of camp experience. It’s a marriage no one wants a divorce from.”
These days, children come from all over. Some are still Alexandria residents, who are given a camp visit as a reward for thriving academically or in leadership roles. Most hail from Virginia—Charlottesville to Tidewater—along with Maryland and North Carolina. They also come from varying socioeconomic and family situations. For them, it’s all about the camp experience.
And what an experience it is.
Situated on Indian Creek with a view of Chesapeake Bay from the dining hall, the waterfront location guarantees campers myriad water activities, including knee boarding, kayaking, water skiing, windsurfing, fishing, crabbing, and even seining—using large, vertically dropped nets to fish—from the camp’s dock.
Tidewater Oyster Gardening Association members make presentations to the campers, offering a hands-on experience for them. “They’re at the point now where they’re collecting shells to put in an oyster reef in the creek,” Leichty says. “Kids learn through fun without even realizing it.”
The land component of the camping experience offers arts and crafts, archery, drama, cooking, spike ball, kan jam, glow-in-the-dark bocce ball, and—yes—gaga ball, a riff on dodge ball that’s played in a pit. Plans are in the works to put in a zip line, a rifle range where kids can earn a safety-of-riflery certificate, a climbing wall, and basketball, volleyball, and tennis courts to provide even more options.
An ideal place on the occasional rainy day, the rec center provides even more ways to have fun with ping pong, foozball, air hockey, board games, and even four square, for which the boundaries are drawn on the floor. At the art center, located in the rustic former dining hall originally built by police officers, a screen-printing machine allows campers to create T-shirts of their own design.
Children can volunteer to harvest produce for the salad bar from one of three gardens that provide kid-friendly produce such as watermelon, red potatoes, cantaloupe, and corn. “My daughter was excited about being able to help with picking the vegetables that were grown directly on the property and participating in the food service,” says parent Cindy Isely.
Campers are grouped by sex and age. They are lodged in groups of ten in one of eight colorfully painted cabins named after Native American tribes such as Cherokee and Shawnee. There are two in-house counselors. The cabins are recent replacements for ones built in the 1960s. Three of these older cabins still stand in the compound. They are painted as cheerfully as the new ones, but they lack the climate-controlled amenities of the new ones. The ultimate goal is to have twenty cabins dotting the landscape.
Another place where dramatic change has occurred is the new dining hall. “Talk about an environmental shift!” Leichty says with a laugh. She’s referring to how Earth-friendly the camp has become. Whereas before, almost everything used was disposable—there was no dishwasher—now, the only things that are thrown away are napkins.
In a surprise turn, the new dishwashing machine is such a novelty that kids have been volunteering to rinse dishes for it. With an air-conditioned dining hall came the ability to not only serve hot foods but also create a real salad bar—and no more worry about flies buzzing around during meal service.
The camp’s cook, Sherman, seems to be everyone’s favorite person, as much for the savory food he puts out as for his bigger-than-life personality. “He fits in with our stated character values,” Leichty says, referring to the YMCA’s core philosophy.
Part of the camp’s overriding goal is to help prepare young people for their future by helping them develop life skills, including self-reliance.
“Camp is a safe environment that allows kids to gain new experiences and create friendships,” says parent Kathy Peterson. “My daughter has Camp Kekoka pictures and postcards up all year, reminding her of her counselors, friends, and new activities she learned at camp.”
Isley agrees. “My daughter was excited about meeting other girls her age and becoming independent. The thought of being there without her parents was very exciting to her as well.”
While kids may thrill to a parentless week, not all twenty-first-century parents are as comfortable with letting go, especially once they learn of the camp’s “no technology” mandate. Campers are allowed to bring an MP3 player to listen to music, but absolutely no cell phones are permitted.
“Nothing that connects,” Leichty explains. “To help parents get over the loss of contact, we upload hundreds of photographs daily so parents can see that their children are having a ball.”
As anyone who went away to camp as a child can testify, the overnight camping experience is like no other. Children have to be responsible in ways they may not be expected to be to at home, such as remembering all the gear they need to take with them when they go to the bath house for a shower.
“We see them go from the Sunday child to the Friday child,” Leichty says. “A nervous, scared and quiet child becomes self-confident and more independent. It’s amazing to see.” As proof, she points to how many children don’t want to go home come Friday and how many campers plan their week’s stay around which week their camp friends will attend.
“The experience for my daughter was invaluable,” Isley recalls. “She grew exponentially during that week and was able to overcome some of her fears. Her confidence level was at an all-time high after this experience.”
For children who come from difficult family situations, their week at camp is a rare opportunity to just be a kid and not have to deal with the daily stressors of their regular lives.
As might be expected, a dedicated camp schedule is absolutely necessary to keep everyone on track. Campers rise at 8 a.m. and have breakfast at 8:30 a.m., followed by a short character development session. Lunch follows morning land and water activities, and then comes a rest period when they can play games quietly at the picnic table in the center of each cabin or write home, as this happy camper did.
Dear Family,
I now have 14 charecter beads. Isn’t that awesome. I entered the Olempics. I’ll write later.
I’m done now and I lost but I had fun.
Afternoon activities culminate in supper, and by 6 p.m., the evening’s fun has begun, with each night being themed. “Meandering Monday” might involve karaoke, arts and crafts, and time spent on the Slip ‘n Slide, while “Water Mania” might involve water games and a luau. Thursday is the all-camp talent show and dance, followed by a closing campfire with s’mores, songs, and all the campers sharing what has made the most impact on them during the week.
The last two hours are spent on showers. “You have to shower at camp. It’s not an option,” Leichty insists. Showers are followed by “family time” in the cabin. It’s also an opportunity for campers to read one of the designated books for their age group, a collaborative project between the camp and the library to help children bridge the gap of summer learning loss.
At 10 p.m., it’s lights out, time to rest up for another busy day.
“Camp culture is built around character values,” Leichty says.”It’s about how can they become a better person and how can they create a better space back at home.” She points out that while the staff members witness campers maturing over a week’s time, to the campers, it just feels like making friends and having fun.
“My fondest memories of childhood are my own YMCA resident camp experiences—friends, counselors, activities, new skills, life lessons, and loads of fun,” says Pam Garrett. “As a parent, I wanted to provide that same opportunity to my child. It gives me such joy, as a parent, to hear all the great stories and witness the extraordinary impact it has throughout the entire year. It reassures me that Camp Kekoka was the absolute right decision.”
For more information, go to peninsulaymca.org/locations/camp-kekoka.