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Extraordinary Cupcakes Chocolate cupcakes are always the answer. Who cares what the question is? #xocupcakes
@extraordinarycupcakes extraordinarycupcakes.com
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La Tienda Fall is for Fabada! Hearty bean stew with chorizoand pork belly. #goodeats #spanishcuisine
@latienda_us latienda.com
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Savvy Swatch You’re going to want to get the fabric of steel: coffee, wine, kid and pet proof. #cryptonfabric #lifeproof
@savvyswatch savvyswatch.com
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The Hound’s Tale Corner BARkery Fresh bites, great spirits and gifts for you and your furry best friend. #dogpeople
@the_hounds_tale thehoundstale.com
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The Shoe Attic Every Giving Keys purchase supports job creationfor people transitioning out of homelessness. #dreamcreateinspire
@theshoeattic shoe-attic.com
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The Sideshow Vintage floor vinyls are sturdy, easy to clean and available in several colors and patterns. #retrodecor
@shopthesideshow shopthesideshow.com
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The Williamsburg Winery Nothing quite like Virginia wine and oysters at The Gabriel Archer Tavern. #wineandbrine #loveva
@williamsburgwinery williamsburgwinery.com
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Williamsburg Drug Co. The perfect bags for fall fun andshopping are SCOUT bags. #scoutlove #morethanapharmacy
@williamsburgdrug williamsburgdrug.com
Hello Fall!
At The Local Scoop we are always on the hunt for what is new, now and trending at local businesses. In our Insta Trends section, we feature fun, fabulous, practical and got-to-have-it-now merchandise for you, your home, office, family and pets.
For more finds around town, follow us on Instagram as we showcase the latest and greatest—just for you. @localscoop.