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August Table Elevate your everyday. Add a touch of beauty to your table with our luxe farmhouse linens.
@august_table augusttable.com
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Bayside Pet Emporium & Animal Hospital Visit us in WhiteStone where we have toys, treats and more for all your pets.
Find us on Facebook baysidepetemporium.com
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Burke’s Fine Jewelers Bring the bay home with jewelry that connects where you live and what you love.
@burkesjewelers burkesjewelers.com
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Colonial Collectibles Add the perfect finishing touch to any outfit with a piece of their new Kendra Scott line.
@shopcolcoll Find us on Facebook too!
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Lowe Tide Boutique This chic top by Crosby adds style to any outfit with a flattering silhouette for any age and body type.
@lowtideshop lowtideshop.com
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Norwood’s Home goods, gifts, darling children’s clothing, fashion for women and men all in one adorable boutique.
@shopnorwoods shopnorwoods.com
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Objects, Art and More Good things come in small packages. These 6x6 mini puppy masterpieces come ready to display.
@objectsartandmore objectsartandmore.com
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Irvington Home Goods Each Nora Fleming mini represents life’s precious moments, making everyday occasions special.@irvingtonhomegoods irvingtonhomegoods.com
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Papeterie Celebrate the cuteness of babyhood with these adorable cotton hats. Assorted colors and animal toppers.
@papeterie_va papeterieva.com
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River Party Boutique Ready to entertain? Need a funny cardor great gift? Want the best balloons in town? Stop in now!
@river_party_boutique riverpartyco.com
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The Dandelion Summum Woman’s Spring 2021 collection isa real feel-good collection. Wear your garments with pleasure.
@thedandelionirvington thedandelion.com
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The Fin & Pearl Spring is nature’s way of saying, let’s party! The Fin & Pearl is always ready for a fun party.
@thefinandpearl_ thefinandpearl.com
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The Nautical Dog Keep your dog busy with an interactive puzzle toy, available in three challenge levels.
@nauticaldog nauticaldogva.com
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The RIvah Get active, stay comfy or dress up for the occasion with Lilly’s under $100 collection.
@therivah shoptherivah.com
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The Shoe Attic Find your happy place! Shop their fabulous spring collection in-person or online.
@theshoeattic shoe-attic.com
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The Wild Bunch These beautiful ceramic guinea fowl are hand decorated and imported from the South of France.
@cindy_thewildbunch thewildbunchflowers.com
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Virginia Gourmet The ultimate cheese compliment – Virginia Chutney. Fully stocked with all your charcuterie needs.
@virginiagourmet virginiagourmetfood.com
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Waterline AFTCO, American Fishing Tackle Co., offers thebest in sun protection clothing for boating and fishing.
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When Ordinary Won’t Do Think WOWD this spring and shoptheir new storefront on Main Street in Kilmarnock.
@wowdboutique whenordinarywontdo.com
Hello Spring! At The Local Scoop we are always on the hunt for what is new, now and trending at local businesses. Our Insta Trends section features fun, fabulous, practical and got-to-have-it-now merchandise for you, your home, family and loved ones. Follow us on Instagram as we showcase the latest and greatest—just for you. @localscoop.