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August Table Add a touch of boho elegance to any meal, picnic or gathering with their signature “Seraphim” print napkins.
@august_table augusttable.com
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Bayside Pet Emporium & Animal Hospital Nautical toys and gear for your river pup available in White Stone.
Find us on Facebook. baysidepetemporium.com
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Burkes Fine Jewelers Sand dollars are mermaid coins lost at sea, the ocean’s only currency.
@burkesjewelers burkesjewelers.com
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Colonial Collectibles & Gifts Dive into summer with a new SCOUT bag! Soft coolers, beach/pool totes, and so much more.
@shopcolcoll shopcolonialcollectibles.com
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Irvington Home Goods Sustainable and eco-friendly silicone lids can be used repeatedly, reducing environmental impact.
@irvingtonhomegoods irvingtonhomegoods.com
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Low Tide Boutique Life’s better by the water. Low Tide has the latest fashions for your coastal adventures, casual or dressy.
@lowtideshop lowtideshop.com
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Norwood’s Custom long sleeve solar UPF Northern Neck Map shirts keep you cool and protected on the water.
@shopnorwoods shopnorwoods.com
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Objects, Art and More Gift alert! These fence post ducks are handcrafted from 100-year-old reclaimed cedar fence posts.
@objectsartandmore objectsartandmore.com
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Papeterie What is it? It’s not paper! Melamine plates with bees or ants—perfect for outdoor entertaining.
@papeterie_va papeterieva.com
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Pearl Boutique Casual but classic women’s fashions as well as local area artisan wares for your summer style.
@pearlboutique.va pearlboutiqueva.com
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River Party Boutique Drop your anchor and shop the cutest party accessories like these stylish anchor cocktail picks.
@river_party_boutique riverpartyco.com
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The Fin & Pearl Your go-to destination in Burgess for fresh, fun, flirty clothing and accessories.
@thefinandpearl_ thefinandpearl.com
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The Nautical Dog I scream, you scream, your dog screams for ice cream! Mix with water and freeze for a yummy, cool treat.
@nauticaldog nauticaldogva.com
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The Rivah Lilly Pulitzer available for all generations and sizes including a lovely collection under $100.
@therivah shoptherivah.com
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The Shoe Attic Find perfect warm weather staples in footwear, accessories, and clothes in the heart of Colonial Williamsburg.
@theshoeattic shoe-attic.com
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The Wild Bunch Ulster Weavers is available in a range of kitchen textiles including oven gloves, bags and tea towels.
@cindy_thewildbunch thewildbunchflowers.com
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Virginia Gourmet Virginia Gourmet has you covered for all your beach and summer snacking.
@virginiagourmet virginiagourmetfood.com
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Waterline American Fishing Tackle Co. represents a tradition of high-performance precision-built fishing gear.
Find us on Facebook. @shopwaterline
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When Ordinary Won’t Do Summertime, when the livin’ is easy and your clothes should be, too. Stay comfy in WOWD.
@wowdboutique whenordinarywontdo.com
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Williamsburg Wicker & Patio The Marina Collection by Casual Comfort features classic woven styling in a modern design.
@williamsburg_wicker williamsburgwicker.com