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August Table Enjoy summertime gatherings with beautiful hand block print napkins and tablecloths.
@august_table augusttable.com
2 of 10

Burke's Fine Jewelers Days spent on the river are best remembered with these gorgeous nautical jewelry pieces.
@burkesjewelers burkesjewelers.com
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Colonial Collectibles Customize your look with these exclusive Northern Neck silver charm stacking bracelets.
@shopcolcoll Find us on Facebook too!
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Lowe Tide Boutique Dress up your white bottoms with a flirty, breezy top (or two) and stay cool all season.
@lowtideshop lowtideshop.com
5 of 10

Norwood's Splurge on your infants and toddlers with adorable smocked outfits, shoes and accessories.
@shopnorwoods shopnorwoods.com
6 of 10

Objects, Art and More Dogs may not be able to see as many colors as we do, but their world is just as bright as ours.
@objectsartandmore objectsartandmore.com
7 of 10

Papeterie Give them something unexpected and brighten their day with a Lovepop card.
@papeterie_va papeterieva.com
8 of 10

The Dandelion Fashionista Edith Head once said, “Youcan have anything you want in life if you dress for it.”
@thedandelionirvington thedandelion.com
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The Fin & Pearl Cheerful, bold and colorful prints are alwaysin style and now available at The Fin & Pearl.
@thefinandpearl_ thefinandpearl.com
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The Wild Bunch Italian soaps are created with natural ingredients and wrapped in paper perfect for gifting.
@cindy_thewildbunch thewildbunchflowers.com
Warm weather has arrived!
At The Local Scoop we are always on the hunt for what is new, now and trending at local businesses. Featured here are fun, fabulous, practical and got-to-have-it-now merchandise for you, your home, office, family and pets.
Follow us on Instagram as we continue to feature more great finds. @localscoop.