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Feather Your Nest & Cindy Lloyd Design, Warsaw. Photo by Kimberly A. King Photography.
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Feather Your Nest & Cindy Lloyd Design, Warsaw. Photo by Kimberly A. King Photography.
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Feather Your Nest & Cindy Lloyd Design, Warsaw. Photo by Kimberly A. King Photography.
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Feather Your Nest & Cindy Lloyd Design, Warsaw. Photo by Kimberly A. King Photography.
While the exterior may look the same, the traditional Cape Cod home built in Warsaw for a young married couple in 1978 has taken on a new life for the same duo with an open floor plan and a large, remodeled kitchen overlooking the working farm.
Because the couple were longtime friends of interior designer Cindy Lloyd of Feather Your Nest, they contacted her before starting, seeking input about the new layout, which a structural engineer would then execute. “They wanted a farmhouse look and feel, moving away from a classic Williamsburg look,” she says. “The outside still looks traditional, but inside it’s a casual modern farmhouse.”
The couple were determined to repurpose much of the original wood, and Raymond Thompson Jr. agreed to take on the challenge of reusing the chestnut, cherry and southern pine that had gone into the original house. Chestnut beams became floating kitchen shelves and a mantle, while cherry paneling became wainscotting and was painted a soft blue.
The picture window that had been a focal point in the eating area was altered so that with the new layout it provides the homeowners a view of their farm and cows while at the sink. With the new design, three walls had to come down, requiring creative placement of supports. “There’s a post at the end of the kitchen island replacing a weight-bearing wall,” says Lloyd. “But it’s so nicely integrated, you see right through it.”
Lloyd made trips to Richmond and Fredericksburg to advise on furniture, rugs, lighting fixtures and marble tile. Modern appliances were chosen from Noblett’s. Once furniture and tile selections had been made, Lloyd chose the rooms’ paint schemes. Pieces of furniture from previous family generations also got repurposed: the oak leaves from a grandfather’s dining table became three bathroom medicine cabinets and the owner’s mother’s treadle sewing machine became a bedroom vanity. “What had been their dream house in 1978 needed an update and now that it’s had one, it’s become their forever home,” she says with pride.
Of the nine-month project, Lloyd says, “It’s always rewarding to execute the client’s vision and feel as though I exceeded their expectations. With this home, they said I very much did.”
Cindy Lloyd: 804-761-3715
5011 Richmond Road, Warsaw, Virginia 22572
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