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When a New Orleans couple decided to build a home in the Northern Neck, they turned to Pillar & Peacock to realize their vision. “Bragg & Company was the contractor for the project and the couple came to us with architectural plans. We designed all the interiors, from fixtures and finishes to furnishings and final touches,” says Adrianne Bugg, co-owner with Brandeis Short, of Pillar & Peacock. “That’s our sweet spot.”
Because Bugg had lived in New Orleans for eight years, she immediately understood the essence of what the couple hoped to accomplish aesthetically, so Pillar & Peacock designed the house with wide plank floors, large windows and deep porches on the creek. “They wanted a collected feel so it wouldn’t look like the house had been designed in a day,” she explains of the year-and-a-half-long process. “We accomplished that through many in-depth conversations, resulting in a mixture of antique looks, ‘new traditional’ style and an overall freshness to the design, with the clean-lines approach we’re known for.”
Pillar & Peacock adheres to a “Find, Focus and Finish” philosophy to ensure each home redesign suits its owner. The “Find” process involves getting to know the client to find out who they are, how they live and what they like. “If the client has dogs who sleep on the furniture, we’re going to seek out fabrics that won’t rip or stain easily,” she explains. “If the client wants to be able to host family crab feasts, we’re going to find an outdoor table that seats 16 so they can do that comfortably.”
During the “Focus” period, they dive into finish and furnishing specifics, drawing elevations, making selections, choosing appliances and countertops, getting every last detail right. As for “Finish,” that involves purchasing, tracking and coordinating lighting, hardware and furniture deliveries to make sure everything arrives undamaged before moving it in. “We’ll make sure everything’s perfect, right down to a glass of champagne and flowers on the countertop when the client comes in to see it,” she says.
“I love aesthetically creating something beautiful,” Bugg says. “At the end of the project, when it’s everything they ever wanted and beyond what they expected, that’s my idea of happiness.”
Brandeis Short and Adrianne Bugg: 844-625-6414
4353 Irvington Road, Irvington, Virginia 22480