Woman's Club of Williamsburg Meeting
WindsorMeade 3900 Windsor Hall Drive, City of Williamsburg, Virginia 23188
Women of Williamsburg, James City County and upper York County are cordially invited to join The Woman’s Club of Williamsburg-GFWC. We currently have 40 members and focus on philanthropy and volunteer service with a goal of creating positive change in our community. We meet monthly for a short business meeting and to enjoy lunch ($25) and hear from an invited speaker (see list below). We welcome prospective members at any of our meetings!
Meetings start at 11:30 a.m. and are held at WindsorMeade Hall, 3900 WindsorMeade Hall Dr.
Please email Member@WomansClubofWilliamsburg.org if you'd like to join or attend a meeting or to get more information about our activities. You can also visit us online at www.womansclubofwilliamsburg.org or www.facebook.com/TheWomansClubOfWilliamsburg.org.
Meeting Dates and Planned Speakers:
• January 24: Local Author and Historian Frank Green and Annual Art and Crafts Competition
• February 28: Speaker from Peninsula Agency on Aging
• March 27: Women in History, Marilyn Iglesias
• April 24: Christy King, Area Director/Group Fitness Instructor, Body and Soul Fitness
• May 22: Scholarship Winners
• June 12: State President Susie Mowry and Installation of 2024-25 Officers