The James City County/Williamsburg Virginia Cooperative Extension Master Gardeners are offering residents a free consultation on landscape best management practices at the homeowner’s home.
During the individualized session, the homeowner and team of three to five Extension Master Gardener volunteers will discuss pressing landscape problems or questions to include, but not limited to, plant selection, placement and care; reducing use of water, fertilizer, and pesticides; use of native plants, composting, and reuse of yard debris; and establishing diversified landscape practices which support habitat preservation and protect our local watersheds.
Creating and maintaining a sustainable landscape to support improving water quality is emphasized.
Applications for the Spring 2016 sessions will be accepted from March 15 until April 15 by visiting www.jccwmg.org and clicking on Landscape Love, Homeowner Registration Forms.
Spaces are limited and will be accepted on a first-come first-served basis.
On-site visits will be scheduled from late April throughout May.